Advanced CSS Techniques
Margin Properties
The margin properties in CSS allow you to control the space around elements. They include:
- margin-top
- margin-right
- margin-bottom
- margin-left
- margin: shorthand for setting all margins at once
Grouping in CSS allows you to apply styles to multiple elements simultaneously by selecting them all at once.
Dimension properties like width and height control the size of elements on the page.
The display property determines how an element behaves in the document flow. Common values include block, inline, and inline-block.
CSS positioning allows you to precisely control the placement of elements on the page. Values include static, relative, absolute, and fixed.
Floating is a layout technique where an element is removed from the normal document flow and placed along the left or right side of its container.
Alignment properties like text-align and vertical-align control the alignment of content within its container.
Pseudo-classes are special keywords that can be added to selectors to style elements based on their state or position.
Navigation Bar
A navigation bar is a common UI component used to organize and provide navigation links on a website.
Image Sprites
Image sprites are a technique for combining multiple images into a single image file to reduce server requests and improve page load times.
Attribute Selector
The attribute selector allows you to target elements based on their attributes or attribute values.