Tautology in Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic

Tautology in Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic

Tautology in Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic

In logic and discrete mathematics, a tautology is a statement that is always true. It is a fundamental concept in logic, closely related to the idea of logical consequence and truth tables.


Formally, a tautology is a compound statement (or proposition) that is true for all possible truth value assignments to its variables. In other words, regardless of the truth values of its individual components, a tautology always evaluates to true.

Symbolic Representation

Tautologies are often represented symbolically using logical symbols and operators. For example, the statement "p OR NOT p" is a tautology, where "p" represents a proposition and "OR" and "NOT" are logical operators. This statement is always true because it asserts that either "p" is true or "p" is false, which covers all possible cases.


Here are some common examples of tautologies:

  • "p OR NOT p"
  • "p AND (p OR q)"
  • "(p AND q) OR (NOT p)"


Tautologies play a crucial role in logic and mathematics. They are used in various contexts, including:

  • Logical reasoning and argumentation
  • Proof techniques in mathematics
  • Design and analysis of algorithms
  • Formal verification of software and hardware systems

Tautologies and Truth Tables

Truth tables are a useful tool for analyzing tautologies. A truth table lists all possible combinations of truth values for the variables in a compound statement and shows the resulting truth value of the statement for each combination. A tautology is identified by observing that its truth value is always "true" in the truth table.