Approximation Algorithms and Randomized Algorithms in DAA

Approximation and Randomized Algorithms

Approximation and Randomized Algorithms

Approximation algorithms and randomized algorithms are two important concepts in the design and analysis of algorithms. They provide efficient solutions to complex problems, often in situations where finding an exact solution is computationally infeasible or impractical.

Approximation Algorithms

An approximation algorithm is an algorithm that finds a solution to an optimization problem that is guaranteed to be close to the optimal solution. In other words, it provides a solution that may not be perfect but is acceptable within a certain margin of error.

One classic example of an approximation algorithm is the greedy algorithm for the traveling salesman problem (TSP). While finding the optimal solution to TSP is NP-hard and computationally expensive, the greedy algorithm provides a solution that is at most twice the length of the optimal solution.

Another example is the approximation algorithm for the vertex cover problem. The problem of finding the minimum vertex cover in a graph is NP-hard, but a simple greedy algorithm can find a solution that is at most twice the size of the optimal vertex cover.

Randomized Algorithms

Randomized algorithms are algorithms that use random numbers as part of their logic to make decisions or solve problems. Unlike deterministic algorithms, which always produce the same output for a given input, randomized algorithms may produce different outputs each time they are executed, but with high probability, they provide the correct answer.

One famous example of a randomized algorithm is the Quicksort algorithm. Quicksort is a sorting algorithm that randomly selects a pivot element and partitions the array around the pivot. While the worst-case time complexity of Quicksort is O(n^2), the average-case time complexity is O(n log n), making it one of the fastest sorting algorithms in practice.

Another example is the Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating the value of π. By generating random points within a square and counting the number of points that fall within a quarter circle inscribed in the square, we can estimate the value of π with increasing accuracy as the number of random points increases.


Approximation algorithms and randomized algorithms play a crucial role in the design and analysis of algorithms, providing efficient solutions to complex problems. While approximation algorithms provide approximate solutions within a certain margin of error, randomized algorithms use randomness to efficiently solve problems with high probability. By understanding and utilizing these techniques, algorithm designers can tackle a wide range of computational problems more effectively.