Translation of assignment statements in Compiler Design

 In compiler design, translating assignment statements involves transforming them from a high-level programming language into a lower-level representation. This process ensures the code can be efficiently executed by the machine. Here's a breakdown of the translation process:

Understanding Assignment Statements:

  • An assignment statement typically involves three parts: a variable name (identifier) on the left-hand side, an equal sign (=), and an expression on the right-hand side.
  • The expression evaluates to a value, which is then stored in the memory location associated with the variable name.

Translation Techniques:

  • Three-Address Code (TAC): This is a common intermediate representation for assignment statements. It translates the assignment into a format with three operands:
    • The first operand is the target variable (where the result is stored).
    • The second operand is the result of the expression evaluation.
    • The third operand specifies the operation performed (usually the assignment operator, =).


Consider the assignment statement x = y + z in a high-level language.

The TAC representation for this could be:

temp = y + z
x = temp
  • In this example, temp is a temporary variable created during translation.
  • The first line evaluates y + z and stores the result in temp.
  • The second line assigns the value in temp to the variable x.

Benefits of Translation:

  • Simplifies code generation for the target machine.
  • Enables optimizations like expression evaluation order rearrangement.
  • Facilitates type checking and error detection.

Additional Points:

  • Syntax-directed translation (SDT) is a technique that associates semantic actions with grammar rules to perform translation during parsing.
  • The specific translation scheme and intermediate representation used can vary depending on the compiler design.