Parse trees & syntax trees in Compiler Design

 Both parse trees and syntax trees play crucial roles in compiler design, but they serve distinct purposes and differ in their structure and level of detail.

Parse Tree:

  • A hierarchical representation of the derivation process in parsing, reflecting the source code's structure according to the grammar rules.
  • Contains both terminals (representing actual code elements like keywords, variables, or operators) and non-terminals (representing grammar production rules).
  • Can be verbose and contain redundant information, including unnecessary branching due to grammar choices.
  • Primarily used as an intermediate step during parsing to verify the code's syntactic correctness.

Syntax Tree (Abstract Syntax Tree - AST):

  • A condensed version of the parse tree, focusing solely on the essential syntactic structure of the code.
  • Only includes terminals (operands) as leaf nodes and operators (including keywords) as internal nodes.
  • Eliminates redundancies present in the parse tree, resulting in a more compact and efficient representation.
  • Serves as a fundamental data structure for various compiler tasks like semantic analysis, code optimization, and code generation.

Here's a table summarizing the key differences:

FeatureParse TreeSyntax Tree (AST)
StructureHierarchical, reflects grammar rulesHierarchical, reflects structure only
NodesTerminals, non-terminalsTerminals (operands), operators (keywords)
InformationDetailed, may contain redundanciesEssential syntactic structure, compact
PurposeIntermediate step in parsing, verificationFoundation for semantic analysis, optimization, etc.

Understanding these distinctions is essential when studying compiler design and the various stages involved in transforming source code into machine code.